THE DORF · THE MAG ist die jährliche Printpublikation des Düsseldorfer Urban Culture Magazins THE DORF, das seit 2014 auf Düsseldorfer Menschen und Orte vorstellt. Aufwendige Foto- und Editorialstrecken, sowie ein umfangreicher Adressteil zeigen die Stadt Düsseldorf in einem ganz neuen Licht: Produkte, Neues, Kultur, Restaurants, Stil, Orte, Projekte, Menschen und Erlebnisse, straight out of THE DORF. Ausgewählte Geschichten aus dem Magazin werden hier zweisprachig (Deutsch/Englisch) veröffentlicht. Die Printmagazine sind im THE DORF Shop auf erhältlich.

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THE DORF THE MAG is the annual print publication of Düsseldorf's urban culture magazine THE DORF, which has been presenting Düsseldorf people and places on since 2014. Photo and editorial series as well as an extensive address section show the city of Düsseldorf in a completely new light: products, news, culture, restaurants, style, places, projects, people and experiences, straight out of THE DORF. Selected stories from the magazine are published here in two languages (German / English). The printed issue of THE DORF THE MAG ist available at

Holger Kurt Jäger

Woody Allen, Pope Benedict XVI and Muammar al-Gaddafi – they all get the same treatment by artist Holger Kurt Jäger: His series of washcloths with the portraits of dictators and celebrities who made questionable life choices caused a stir during 2011’s Art Cologne Fair.

Manuel Iljitsch

To do him justice in just a few sentences is difficult. Manuel Iljitsch does a lot of things and he does them well: He makes funny videos, lends others his voice or face for money, more often he writes texts for advertising or for fun.