A day in Duesseldorf with Dritan Alsela

Name: Dritan Alsela
Age: 40 Jahre
Profession: Barista
Studied Profession: Engineer

District: Flingern-Nord
Website: dritan-alsela.de
Social: FacebookInstagram • Youtube

Dritan Alsela is a man who is definitely specialised in his field, that field being coffee. This is a man who wakes up everyday to his obsession and profession. Whether grinding the beans to altering his custom machines, Dritan ensures that every component of the coffee process is flawless. With this passion and determination the last few years has seen the barista become an international icon.
Being the proud owner of Bazzar Caffe in Flingern, Dritan ensures that every coffee served is made to perfection both in taste and appearance. Cappuccinos among other drinks are decorated with tulip and heart patterns that many customers have never seen before. Many are amazed and almost puzzled at the way of this technique called ‘Latte Art’. Although quite popular across the world, ‘Latte Art’ is still slowly gaining presence in cafés across Germany.
With Dritan’s obsession he took to social media and posted his ‘Latte Art’ techniques and styles. Instantly he inspired people to follow a career as a barista and made the world acknowledge the growing popularity of this particular profession. His purpose was merely to create a community with like-minded baristas and coffee enthusiasts. Within months he gained thousands of followers across the world who just like himself were coffee
fanatics. In the last year alone Dritan has been booked at workshops, store openings and been a judge at coffee exhibitions in Italy, Shanghai, Taipeh, Seoul, London, New York and Amsterdam. With youtube videos having over 1 million clicks and over 440,000 followers on his facebook page, Dritan has captured the interest and admiration of many and his following is only rapidly increasing.
As he inspires people across the world he decided to assist the people a little closer to home. Over the last year Dritan has been designing and building a barista school in the heart of Düsseldorf (Dritan Alsela School). This has always been a dream of his where people can come together and learn the coffee process from beginning to end. One can explore the varying machinery used from French press to drip coffee to even discovering the complete roasting process with a roasting machine on site. Whether it’s learning about the origin of the bean, to the texture of the milk, one can gain a whole new world of knowledge with Dritan in his coffee playground. As we step foot intothe school located on Simrockstraße we’re instantly teleportedto the hip
and trendy cafes of Melbourne, Australia. The interior is purposely rough and exposed. Machines are in multiples where you’re left questioning what is each one’s purpose. One wall displays an antique-styled world map with the regions where coffee is grown. This combined with wooden school chairs; make it feel like you’re in an old-school classroom. However, this isn’t just any classroom, this is where your senses are exposed: smelling the aroma of coffee beans, the grind of the beans, the tasting of first-rate coffee and the appearance of incredible ‚Latte Art’. You will leave questioning how you’ve lived a day without his coffee.

As we sit down with Dritan and sip a few selections of his masterpieces we learn that with passion, determination and mere enjoyment anything is possible. With spending almost half of his time abroad this year attending coffee events across the world, Dritan is a man with a busy schedule. He envisages continuing to influence a community of people who just like himself wake up, make coffee, drink coffee and make more coffee (#baristalife). You can follow Dritan on his Facebook and Instagram.


Good Morning- Where do you drink your morning coffee? To wake up? At home in my kitchen.


For a healthy and fresh lunch you go to? I normally eat at work.


Your go-to place/route to unwind, walk and clear your mind? Granfenberger Wald (Forest).

Three places in Duesseldorf that one must see? Altstadt (Old City), Medienhafen (Media Harbour) and Rheinufer (River Rhine Promenade).

For coffee and cake one must go to? No time for coffee/cake and I don’t eat cake.


Where is your favourite place to entertain friends / family for a nice evening? I prefer to entertain at home.

Which restaurant to you represents the typical flavour of Duesseldorf? Bar Olio

Your favorite Altbier? Uerige


Your favorite bar or favorite bartender? Riva in the Media Harbour (MedienHafen) and my favourite bartender Pllumb Tafili, beyond exceptional.

A special, memorable night you’ve had in Duesseldorf? Fortunas movement into the first division league in the Altstadt.


Where and when to you feel like a typical „Duesseldorfer“? Going for a run along the Rhine.

What do you miss most from the city, when you are not in Duesseldorf? Good food, good coffee and of course the altbier.

If Duesseldorf could eat, what would it taste like? Currywurst after a game of football.

What to you love most about Duesseldorf? The elderly, the real Altbier drinkers, they are laid-back and humorous


Your Top 3 Shopping-stores in Duesseldorf? I rarely go shopping, if so only at Anson’s; as they have everything a man needs..

Is there a Duesseldorfer Designer or Artist , who you particularly appreciate, if so who and why? I appreciate Jürgen D. Floh, a talented, hardworking, fun, good-looking artist over 70. He is the one to take credit for the world map design in the Barista School.

What are the rules for your personal style? What do you find good? What do you find not so good? My only rules when styling are: dress warmly in winter and in summer wear light comfortable clothing, as my mother taught me when I was a child.

Describe the typical Duesseldorfer-Style in three words: Luckily I can spot this quite well being a football follower and owning a cafe in Flingern.
simple – sporty – timeless


What is your favourite food? Steak.

Where is your favorite place to relax? Either jogging or playing football

Your favorite travel destination? Recently I travelled to Israel and loved it. I was also in Bali a few months ago and am now obsessed with it.

What book currently lies on your table? Coffee Books

What film did you last see? The Intouchables

Your All-Time-Favorite-Movie? Hangover I

What’s currently on your playlist or record-player? I don’t have a record-player or a playlist at the moment.

Your All-Time-Favorite-Song? Another Brick in the Wall – Pink Floyd

Which team do you follow? F95


Text & Interview: Alex Grentree 
Fotos: Sabrina Weniger
© THE DORF 2015

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