THE DORF THE MAG No. 4 – the annual English-language guide

The fourth issue of THE DORF THE MAG is out! The annual English-language guide comprises 144 pages and is, as always, packed full of highlights, insider tips, people and experiences from Düsseldorf. THE DORF THE MAG No. 4 will be available immediately online at the new THE DORF THE SHOP and at our partners in Düsseldorf from November 11, 2020.

With the lockdown in March 2020 we were caught in a shock-induced paralysis, just like probably everyone else. It was absolutely inconceivable to produce a magazine, impossible to even think of acquiring advertising part- ners. So many uncertain weeks and months – time that we vitally needed to plan and produce a magazine.

As an independent publication it means even more to us to launch our fourth edition. We are incredibly proud that we still manage to present THE DORF · THE MAG to you even during this crazy year, despite all the logistical challenges and uncertainty.

We believe it is now more important than ever to put a face to the creative people of Düsseldorf – which has always been the purpose of THE DORF. The pandemic has hit the creative part of our city particularly hard, like small businesses, independent restaurateurs, sole traders, artists, musicians, DJs, designers, actors, founders and many more. It is unclear when we are going back to normal or whether there will be a return to normality at all. And when will we be able to attend sweaty, crowded gigs again or have wild parties? For now it is written in the stars.

This is surely reflected in our mag. A number of names in our events address list had to be crossed out. Events with set dates are now on the brink of either not happening or will happen in a different format. Despite all of this we are aiming to give you a comprehensive over- view of the wonderful and current cultural life of our city.

The pandemic has stirred up some evil minds, people who are attempting to appropriate the insecu- rities of our community and to split society into camps. Despite of this, we believe that something good has come of the crisis. During lockdown we experienced an incredible sense of togetherness. This year the slogan ‘support your locals’ took on a new meaning – and thus emphasizes the importance of the preservation of the city’s local, vivid and diverse areas of retail, culture and gastronomy.

We want to thank our partners, who continue to believe in us and have made it financially possible to produce this magazine. Likewise we want to thank our terrific team without which THE DORF · THE MAG would not be feasible in the first place.

Well, there is no rest for the wicked! Although it’s been tough, it has become evident that with good ideas, flexible thinking and creativity life cannot only carry on, but also something new can develop. Being optimists at heart we believe that everything is going to be alright. We are looking forward to an exciting 2021 together with you. Enjoy THE DORF · THE MAG and the highlights, insider tips, people and events in our wonderful city.

Tina Husemann & David Holtkamp (Founders of THE DORF)

THE DORF THE MAG #4 will be available in the next days online at the price of 5 Euro plus shipping in the new online store of THE DORF. (The online store will be online by mid November 2020 at the latest.) Or order here at the price of 5 Euro plus 1.95 Euro for packing & shipping your magazine by email to

From November 11th THE DORF THE MAG will be available at the following partners in Düsseldorf:
Düsseldorf Tourist Information Office at the main station.

THE DORF • THE MAG is part of the #urbanana project by Tourismus NRW and was co-funded by

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